Why you should upgrade Windows 7 to Linux

Windows 7 has reached the end of its life. It will no longer receive security updates and Microsoft’s technical support will stop. Running an out-of-date OS can have serious potential risks, and if you’re one of more than 750,000 people using Windows exposed to the internet, you may have a problem. Fortunately, there are two simple solutions: 1. Buy a new computer running another operating system, or 2. Install Linux on any computer you like. In this blog, we’re talking about the Linux option, specifically Ubuntu.

Why you should upgrade Windows 7 to Ubuntu | Ubuntu Blog

Ubuntu is an open-source operating system supported by Canonical, with millions of users and years of support, but you can choose from all the wide panorama of the Linux distributions. In our opinion, the best and easy way to start walking in the Linux world is to select a distro easy to install, with a huge community and strong support, so our choices are always the same: Fedora, openSUSE, and Ubuntu.

So, avoid Windows and make your Linux choice!

You can also read From Mac to Linux if you’re a macOS user.