You can now develop iPhone apps on your cozy and comfortable Linux machine. Using KVM, you can have a fully working macOS Catalina virtual machine and with GPU (and other) passthrough you can also have decent performance.
Until today to use macOS, you had to use an original Apple hardware (but, so you should spend a lot of money! 💰 💰 💰) or you had to build a super performant Hackintosh. But now, you can also use a perfectly usable KVM virtual machine on your every-day-usable Linux system.
Will you able to use the macOS version of the Adobe Suite on your Linux PC? I don’t know, I hope so, but I need to test it and I’ll do it in the next weeks. I hope this because it is the last obstacle to move my friends away from macOS and directly on Linux. Lightroom and Premiere are the two big walls to surpass. GIMP is perfect for Photoshop and Inkscape is more over than Illustrator, but DarkTable, RawTherapee and KdenLive aren’t able to convince my friends to leave the Adobe Suite at all.
Are you ready to test by yourself the full macOS Catalina experience on your Linux PC? Ok, let’s go. All the info and the documentation to set up your macOS VM accelerated by KVM in QEMU are available on the foxlet/macOS-Simple-KVM repository.
Follow carefully the instructions and pay attention to the EULA license of the Apple Operating System. While the validity of the license hasn’t been tested in a court, doing this is only allowed on Mac Hardware per their license. You’re in a gray zone, so pay attention. My GF has an old MacBook Air, so I think I can try the virtualization process remaining in the law. Let me do some researches and check it in the next days.
Apart from that, you can follow the discussion on r/Linux or on r/Hackintosh. Also, if you have some problems open an issue on GitHub to help the community to build a better tool.