Javascript and PHP snippets to update your footer

Change your static timestamp to an automatically updating copyright year or other dynamic timestamp. Ever looked at a website and wondered if it is still in operation? Maybe a thing or two looked like they could have been updated – and then you notice the copyright notice the in the footer. “2012. Right, this site must be dead. Let’s move[…]

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How to get current year in Jekyll

Get The Current Year In Jekyll Like many others, I put a copyright notice with the current year at the bottom of the page in my websites. In my personal website, I noticed that the date stucks and doesn’t automatically update on every year. So, I opened the template in the _include folder and I added this code to the[…]

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How to use a Random SQLite calling in Android

SQLiteDatabase is your friend On Android systems, default database is SQLite. It is a nice way to save and use data, it’s also so similar to SQL and it’s opensource. SQLite supports standard relational database features like SQL syntax, transactions and prepared statements. SQLiteDatabase Android Reference provides a huge reference to implement it in your Android application.Exposes methods to manage[…]

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