Why the new Apple M1 Macs are entirely unsuitable for certain critically important industrial applications

The times we live in are truly exciting for technology lovers, every day we are faced with amazing new products and new destructive revolutions. The most recent seemed to be the one implemented by Apple in the field of computer microprocessors, with the introduction of the M1 chips based on ARM architecture it gave the idea of having wiped out[…]

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Linux mobile as a daily driver alternative

The truth is that Ubuntu touch (and arguably luneOS) is the already daily driver ready fully open source gnu/Linux OS, we don’t have any real numbers on how many devices run ubuntu touch (as we don’t track anyone period) but based on the download numbers and people in our telegram channel, we definitely have well over 5000 active daily users![…]

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Bliss OS. Android for your x86 personal computer

The project is an Android fork that aims to bring the beauty and the power of the phone/tablet system to the modern desktop and laptop PC. The ‘build’ and ‘alpha’ words should suffice to make you understand that it is absolutely not a software ready for everyday use. Better to abstain, especially if you don’t actually intend to develop –[…]

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