Linux Kernel 5.3 has reached the end of life and no longer receive updates

“I’m announcing the release of the 5.3.18 kernel. Note, this is the LAST 5.3.y kernel release. It is now end-of-life. Please move to 5.4.y now. All users of the 5.3 kernel series must upgrade,” said Greg Kroah-Hartman in a mailing list announcement. “The updated 5.3.y git tree can be found at;a=summary.” Linux Kernel 5.3 Reached End of Life, Users[…]

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How to upgrade to Ubuntu 19.04 ‘Disco Dingo’

‘Disco Dingo’ is the code name for Ubuntu 19.04, the next scheduled release for Canonical operating system. Following Ubuntu’s usual naming standard, the letter for the name of the upcoming release is the ‘D’, from here the nickname ‘Disco Dingo’. Ubuntu 19.04, a new release full of interesting news Canonical publishes new releases of Ubuntu on a regular cadence, enabling[…]

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How to solve Broadcom SD card reader issue with Linux

Broadcom and Linux are always fighting I use Ubuntu and Fedora over an old MacBook Pro with Broadcom BCM57765/57785 SDXC/MMC card reader and it’s worked at the first installations but after some update it stopped working. I installed Ubuntu and Fedora for friends and the machine with the Broadcom BCM57765/57785 chipset for SD card reader gave me the same issue.[…]

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