KDE Plasma 5.17.3 – It’s another KDE Plasma update!

The KDE Project released today KDE Plasma 5.17.3. This is the third maintenance update added to the famous desktop environment and it brings bugs and issues fixes, also newly updated translations. Plasma 5.17 was released in October 2019 with many feature refinements and new modules to complete the desktop experience. This release adds new translations and bugfixes, including: An improved[…]

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How to fix the “token” parameter not in video info for unknown reason error

If the ‘token parameter’ issue has occurred using youtube-dl on Linux, you’re probably using an outdated version of the command. Here how to fix it under Fedora and Ubuntu. You have tried to download video or audio from Youtube through the youtube-dl command and you got the following result: [youtube] 1234567890A: Downloading webpage [youtube] 1234567890A: Downloading video info webpage ERROR:[…]

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How to restore a Monero Wallet

Restoring a Monero wallet is pretty simple and can be done in several ways. If you have the necessary information, you can completely restore your wallet fast and in complete security. So, let’s take a look at the how-to. Keys, files or mnemonic seed. And don’t forget the password You can restore a wallet by either using the keys, .keys[…]

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