Theming Linux desktop environments like an artist

You know, one of the best things about Linux is the possibility of customization. You can effectively change everything of the operating system: the only limit is your fantasy. Compared to closed systems like macOS or Windows, Linux is completely customizable without any effort, you don’t have to hack anything, it’s all open and available to be modified, improved, reinterpreted.[…]

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Enable desktop icons on Fedora 25

Trouble enabling Fedora 25 desktop icons Fedora 25 delivers a host of new features, including the long-awaited official debut of the Wayland display server. Replacing the legacy X11 system, Wayland has been under development for several years and seeks to provide a smoother, richer experience for graphical environments and better capabilities for modern graphics hardware. To further enhance ease-of-use, Fedora[…]

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Flat buttons for Tear theme

Slowly, but another buttons I have added some new flat buttons to Tear Theme. All the work about the buttons was made using Inkscape. I thought that GIMP did it in the same way, but Unity DE use SVG vector graphics for the buttons… so, Inkscape is the right choice. Tear Theme is still under development and still in beta(maybe[…]

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