How to find quality free video stock footage

The right video clips could boost your content and bring your project to life. But, good videos cost a lot and this could be a big issue for our budget. There are also many places where you can find high-quality video clips completely free of charge for both personal and commercial use, readies to download with no royalties or conditions.[…]

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The best free music for your video content

Where to find music for your videos? There are hundreds of websites with millions of songs to choose from and each offers different genres, functionalities, and licenses. Copyright free music or no-copyright music means it’s free of royalty fees and you can use it on your videos, also if you monetize them. Some authors require you to credit their music[…]

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All the world is talking about Haiku Beta

What moved Linus Torvalds to write a Unix-like kernel (taking a big head wash from Tanenbaum) at the time? The market in those times was, perhaps more than ever, a world full of successful operating systems and, probably, there was no space for another one. Certainly no one would have been imagined that Linux would become a power as it[…]

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