How to install DaVinci Resolve on Ubuntu with AMD GPUs

Aren’t Kdenlive or OpenShot enough for you? Or are you tired to pay the combo Adobe+Apple tax? Need a professional video editing solution on Ubuntu Linux? DaVinci Resolve could be the perfect software for you. DaVinci Resolve is the world’s only solution that combines professional 8K editing, color correction, visual effects, and audio post-production all in one software tool. Editing,[…]

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Tails. Keep the NSA away from your data

Tails, also called The Amnesic Incognito Live System, is a security and privacy focused Debian-based Linux distribution aimed at preserving your anonymity. The system is designed to work as a live system and will leave no digital footprint on the machine on which it is used unless you ask it to explicitly. Tails relies on the Tor anonymity network to[…]

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Quick analysis of a Linux system

Sometimes happens that you need to take a look at an unknown Linux system or that you have to quickly analyze the problems of a Linux server. You’re lucky because, on Linux, there are some commands to start an in-depth analysis and that serve to understand what’s happening behind the scene.   Looking, administer, analysis. Going down with command line[…]

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