Bitwala. The Crypto Banking for everyone

Bitwala is a unique Crypto Banking for everyone, a service that bridges the gap between legacy finance and cryptocurrencies. Bitwala is a platform that offers both bankings and crypto wallets, but also trading services and even has its own debit card that can be used for spending money and crypto daily. In July 2019, Bitwala raised a grand total of[…]

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How to install a Monero GUI wallet in Linux

Monero is a fully open-source cryptocurrency that focuses on fungibility, privacy, and decentralization. It uses an obfuscated public ledger, so anybody can broadcast or send transactions, but no outside observer can tell the source, amount, or destination. Staying away from the wars of the fans, in our small, we believe that Monero is currently the best cryptocurrency focused on privacy[…]

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What is the Blockchain?

Blockchain, when we hear this term, the first thing that comes in our mind is cryptocurrency. Blockchain is actually a record-keeping technology which is used in the cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin is the first widespread application of blockchain technology. In 1991 Stuart Haber and W. Scott Stornetta have first outlined the blockchain concept to make a system where timestamped documents could not[…]

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How to install Keybase on openSUSE Linux

Keybase is an innovative platform to secure our online identities, it allows users to link their encryption keys to their social accounts like Facebook, Reddit, and Twitter. Keybase also offers an end-to-end encrypted chat, a cloud storage system and a secure cryptocurrency wallet. In addition to the website, Keybase has client applications for Android phones, iOS platforms, and the most[…]

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