3 books about the business you should read

Whether you are a simple programmer, a video blogger, a web developer, that you are an employee in the company or that you have your own personal activity, we want to recommend 3 books to read absolutely to impregnate you with new ideas and concepts that will surely be useful in a near future. If you want to be contaminated[…]

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Writing for the smartphone in the modern era

We are writing on electronic devices all of our hours and days, in several different ways, with multiple styles and factors. The transformation of newspapers, from typographic to digital composition, the color above the black and white, the pixels over the pen signs. The digital editions of many newspapers around the world are deeply different from the analogic versions and[…]

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Free programming book from Stack Overflow Documentation

A free programming notes for professionals books made and based upon the original Stack Overflow Documentation. Not perfect books, not big Internet guru books, only the re-adapted notes caught from the documentation section of the Stack Overflow community. Programming Notes for Professionals books. They said Some months ago, on Hacker News, an interesting link appeared: Programming Notes for Professionals books.[…]

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