How to use your .bashrc file

The Bash configuration file can do a lot of things to improve your work: aliases, functions and prompt configurations improve workflow and help to be more efficient. In my recent post about setting up Ubuntu with Bash scripts, I briefly alluded to the magic of .bashrc. This didn’t really do it justice, so here’s a quick post that offers a[…]

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Tar and gzip. Extract that files

Tar, tarball, gzip. A kind of tape archive, a tar file is a collection of files archived in a single ‘tarball’ file and compressing it with gzip to save disk space results in a tar.gz compressed file. Simple, no? GNUzip is also used in HTTP compression GNU Gzip, or gzip, is a file format and a software application used for[…]

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How to create a menu entry for Calibre

I have installed Calibre, the perfect ebook management program, on a fresh install of Xfce using the Linux binary installer from the official website and I found no entry for Calibre on the applications menu. A menu entry for Calibre that works also under Xfce No menu entry, so, to solve this issue I have created a .desktop file for[…]

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