No audio coming from Android Studio Emulator on Linux

After a fresh install of Android Studio over Linux distributions like Fedora and Ubuntu, I experimented a very strange behavior: no sound, no audio, coming from the built-in Android emulator of Android Studio.   After many research and many attempts, I was lost and I was thinking to install Genymotion emulator, but I discovered (argh!!!) that the solution was really[…]

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Install Android Studio on Fedora 26

It’s a good day. I have tested for a while Fedora 26 Alpha and I can say that it’s pretty rock stable. Really, I had less issue than before with an alpha version of an operative system. The next step. The Android Studio installation Like I said above, the system (actually a Lenovo E470) is incredibly stable and all works[…]

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A free Android quotes app

Learning Android programming by doing Some time ago, I started to learn Android programming. First you need to understand Java and OOP (Object Oriented Programming), second is better to follow some course (read later) about that and third you must do a lot and more exercises. Best way to do exercises in programming, in my opinion, is to do what[…]

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