Why you should prefer AMD CPUs to Intel processors

In recent years, researchers have discovered a multitude of vulnerabilities in x86, POWER and even ARM processors. In most cases, these problems have been resolved, with the detriment of performance, through patches at the level of firmware or software that have mitigated or canceled possible damages. For example, Meltdown, a security vulnerability that affects a wide range of systems, including[…]

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AMD-nix desktop and wallpaper

As readers of this site/blog know well, I am passionate about everything related to the customization of operating systems and, in particular, of desktop and Linux environments. So as a great user of the related groups on Reddit, r/unixporn on all, sometimes, I also enjoy posting some shots of my experiments. The latest is AMD-nix on r/desktops, in clear response[…]

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Google Stadia. Is Google going to buy AMD?

Yesterday afternoon during the opening of the GDC 2019, Google pulls out a new concept called Stadia. It combines services and infrastructures and puts them at the top of a gaming service. The power of remote hardware with super performance and the wide bandwidth of the next generation network to reach gamers anywhere in the world. Not really everywhere because[…]

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