Pay attention to the latest Bitcoin scam spam

Your device was recently infected with software I developed, and now you have a problem you need to solve because it has gone too far. This could be the start of an email coming from a scammer, so pay attention to it.

Scammers sometimes try to trick you saying they have put a malware in your PC, tablet, phone. A software that allows scammers to access your files and track what you are doing, maybe to record the webcam during your inappropriate activities. And after that they ask you a ransom for their silence, demanding payment to ‘block’ the diffusion of your files or images or videos.

Traditional scam and Bitcoin sextortion email

Latest scam attempts show different fraud techniques, like a report of a Central Intelligence Agency officer sending ransom emails demanding bitcoin in exchange for concealing evidence of child porn or like a malware that caught you during inappropriate moments.

If you received an email or a social media message that claims something like explained above, or contain links to untrusted sources, or you are asked to download software, you should be suspicious. If the scammer is more expansive and asks you directly for a ransom, maybe in Bitcoin, you should be suspicious too.

For example, you could receive a scam spam email like this from Leeanna Steadman:

Do I have your attention? You are really screwed now and you better read this… ! Your device was recently infected with a software I developed, and now you have a problem you need to solve, because it has gone too far.. You probably noticed your device is acting strangely lately. That’s because you downloaded a nasty software I created while you were browsing the Ƿornographic website… The software automatically: 1) Started your Ƈamera and begun recoding you, uploading the footage to my server… 2) Recording your device screen 3) Copied all your contact lists from mail program, facebook and your device chain 4) Started logging what you write The problem is that it has cought you while you have been ʍasturbating.. and I didn’t plan to see that.. but I did. I now have the Info.mp4 file with you ʍasturbating to this hardcore stuff… ugly!! :(( 🤮 Let me get straight to the point. If you do not do what I ask you now, I will upload this ugly video file with you … and the stuff you were watching to several video upload sites and I will send the links to all your friends, family members and associates. I am sure they will not like what they will see and I am also sure you don’t want me to do that, right ? So do you want me to uninstall the nasty software from your device and stop recording you? Do you want me to forget about this whole issue?? I think 2,000 USD is a fair price for my silence. I know you can handle to send me this money – and it is enough for me to get lost. So how do you send the cash?? Bitcoin. I checked right now and 1 Bitcoin is worth 4,960 bucks. So… Send exactly 0.403819 BTC to my Bitcoin wallet. This is my Bitcoin wallet address: 32cGTPtS8yPfCicvuKWC3hAstmk88TFyQ3 If you do not know how to send cash using bitcoin, type ‘how to buy bitcoin’ in google. There’s plenty of guides. Ok.. so what if you decide not to pay ? Well if you want to test my patience – go on. I will destroy your social life, you can count on that. You think that visiting Police is a good idea ? Nope. I don’t live in your country and I know how to stay Anonymous. I will send the compromising video to everyone you know! Just send me the 2,000 USD and we forget about the whole thing. I have family to feed too. *********************************************** Send 2,000 USD worth of bitcoin to this address: 0.403819 BTC to this address: 32cGTPtS8yPfCicvuKWC3hAstmk88TFyQ3 (copy and paste it – it’s cAsE sensitive) *********************************************** After you send the money to my wallet (exact amount!) – I will see it and I will remove the video and deactivate the rec software. I give you 5 days only to send the transfer.. The time starts ticking after you open this letter (I included a pixel in this message and I will know when you read it). Don’t try to contact me – I am using an untracable email to deliver this message to you. I am waiting for your cash. And don’t forget the shame if you ignore me. Leeanna

Pay attention to prevent you a disaster

Some simple rules that can save your life:

  • Use Linux, not Mac OS X or Windows.
  • Always keep your computer security up to date.
  • To avoid be targeting by some emails, be careful whom you give your personal information. If you’re not a ‘public person’, don’t give your email address to the world.
  • If you can’t stay away from Mac OS X and Windows, please use anti-virus and anti-spyware software on Mac OS X and Windows systems.
  • Always use a good firewall. PFSense is the best.
  • Do NOT open attachments or click on links in emails or social media messages you’ve received from strangers or suspected addresses, and just delete it.
  • If you think you have provided your account details to a scammer, contact your bank or financial institution immediately.
  • If you have provided your crypto keys to a scammer, try to make a new wallet and to move all your funds to it. Before the scammer steals all your crypto funds.
  • If you have your PC, your files, your data blocked by criminals, visit the No More Ransom website for information and decryption tools that might help you recover your data without having to pay a ransom.

Last, but not least, keep your eyes always open because the cyber criminals never sleep. And always be updated because there is always news in this field and it is difficult to keep up.