Images tagged "fallen"

    1. Using the menu Help>About BlueJ, check if you have the correct JDK under Java Home. If not, remove BlueJ, install JDK and re-install BlueJ.

  1. So your problem was with xbacklight not with i3wm.

    I think you should rename your title to reflect that fact, it’s nothing to do with i3wm and anyone using other window manager eg fluxbox could be affected in the same way.

    1. Thanks for comment, Bob. The title was explaining the problem affected me, not the cause. Anyway, I updated the title making it definitely more clear.

  2. Hi,

    Thank you for help. However I can’t find YOURPATH/Android/Sdk/tools/lib64. However I find YOURPATH/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64. But it still not work for me.

    My problem may not be the same: I can see the progress bar “starting AVD” going to the end, but then nothing shows up. Thank you for any help

  3. I have the same issue with emmc in Dell 3162 netbook. It doesn’t ask for any trusted UEFI trusted file.
    What should I do?

  4. After going through multiple StackOverflow pages, I can’t believe the solution was so simple. Thanks a lot!

    1. I’m sorry for that, but I don’t use Windows and I can’t help you. Maybe, you could check for similar settings in the Windows control panel.

      1. I checked everything, no sound coming from emulator at all :/ I will try to uninstall and reinstall the sound driver..

  5. There is no need to create three (slightly) different scripts actually. You just need to make different shortcuts pass different options to your script, which in turn would pass these extra options to gnome-screenshot. My setup:


    DATE=$(date --iso-8601=seconds)

    mkdir -p $DIR
    gnome-screenshot -f $DIR/screenshot-$DATE.png $@

    Bindings (expand path to script):

    sh -c '~/.local/bin/tmpshot'

    [Shift + PrnScr]
    sh -c '~/.local/bin/tmpshot --area'

    [Alt + PrnScr]
    sh -c '~/.local/bin/tmpshot --window'

    1. Wow! This is fantastic, really nice work. Why don’t you write a post on how you made the fedora package of light? Thank you so much for all.

      1. > Why don’t you write a post on how you made the fedora package of light?
        Well, the packaging process is properly documented and there are tons of videos and posts how to do it, so I saw no point in describing the technical details of fedora packaging. If you are interested in it, I can point you to some resources that I consider most helpful and which are surely better, than I could write by myself.

        Also if you want to point for instance to light.spec file so you can package it for ubuntu or some other distro by looking on it as an example and use same values, I can, …

        1. > I can point you to some resources that I consider most helpful and which are surely better, than I could write by myself.

          I asked because I found the way you explain things really helpful, anyway resources you used are appreciated. Also, I’m going to study your repository.

    1. You could use notify-send. For example:

      # Screen brightness controls

      # bindsym XF86MonBrightnessUp exec “xbacklight -inc 10; notify-send ‘brightness up'”

      # bindsym XF86MonBrightnessDown exec “xbacklight -dec 10; notify-send ‘brightness down'”

  6. Actually, the best alternative is mount the iso, and copy all the contents to the usb. It just works if the partition table is correctly set.

  7. And I see only black screen and messages:

    emulator: Error while connecting to socket ‘’: 111 -> Connection refused
    emulator: ASC Retrying connection. Connector FD = 36

  8. There is also ccminer in the same repository that can be used for the same purpose.
    Trying xmr-stak-nvidia now 🙂

  9. Pidgin is almost useless in 2017, unfortunately. I used to just open Pidgin to connect to all my friends in every IMs, but now it’s over. I am too old to have tons of IM clients (specially the fucking ElectronJS ones) to chat today 🙁

      1. Yes, but almost 100% off my contacts are using Whatsapp, Slack, Telegram and others. I am trying to use some purple plugins, but only Facebook Messenger and Hangouts are working here.

    1. I compiled xmr-stak-amd only on Windows and Ubuntu systems, because my Fedora machine has Nvidia GPU. I think you can try to use (adapting) the AMDGPU-Pro Driver Version 17.40 for RHEL 7.3 / CentOS 7.3.

      1. Tried – no luck 🙁 Probabaly will get a try of opensuse/gecko, I have some issues with ubuntu may be it’s just personal..

  10. which package from negativo should I really need to install?
    There’s a fuckton of it and you didn’t even mention one thing about that.

    1. “…Nvidia driver, CUDA tools and libraries from Negativo17 repository. Take a look CUDA is version 8.”

      ‘Negativo17 repository’ is a link. Click on it.

      1. so, for nVidia driver, tools and library you have to install :



        nvidia-healthmon (x86_64)
        nvidia-validation-suite (x86_64)



        Look. It might sounds silly and all, but just how hard it is to just add another line in your command list just for the bare minimum nVidia package needed juts to compile xmr-stak-nVidia?

        1. I’m sorry but not all the systems are the same. Depending on your hardware, software and operating system, you should follow the instructions in the provided link and install the packages you need.

          For your luck, fireice-uk released a Linux binary of the new version of xmr-stak. It’s an all in one package with nvidia part included and you don’t need to compile it. Just run it, very simple. You can find it at this address:

  11. If you’re trying to get this working with G-suite accounts, there’s some slight differences in the setup:

    – For the domain, use the domain of your G-suite account, not
    – Go to the “advanced” and set the connect server to “”

    It should work from there. Just be advised, there’s a LOT of missing features, including not seeing message history from before you start using this, nor messages you send outside of this messenger. YakYak isn’t great, but it really is a better solution. Though, it’s a resource hog.

    1. > setpci: Warning: No devices selected for “0x50.B=0x41”

      This is explicative. Actually, you could have a different hardware (e.g. different Mac), so you have different addresses.

  12. excuse me in my case doesn’t exist /Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/ just exist /Android/Sdk/emulator/lib/ i should install it there?

  13. excuse me but in my case the directory doesn’t exist /Android/Sdk/tools/lib64 i did a search with the name of the files i found this

    sorry but i don’t speak english

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