Install Godot game engine on Fedora or Ubuntu

Godot is like Unity3D, but opensource and free

Okam Studio has recently released a new version of Godot, a game engine opensource and multi-platform that aims to provide developers with a development platform like Unity3D.
Godot offers an excellent graphical user interface that allows developers useful tools for the design of new 2D and 3D game, including various animations, scripting, physics and debugging tools, in addition to supporting a lot of VCS for team working. Godot can also expand functionality through third-party plugins, and also has the support for exporting to any type of platform.

Godot - An opensource game engine for Fedora Linux

Godot provides a huge set of common tools, so you can just focus on making your game without reinventing the wheel. Godot is completely free and open source under the very permissive MIT license. No strings attached, no royalties, nothing. Your game is yours, down to the last line of engine code.

Useful links:

Godot official site

Unity3D official site

How to install Godot game engine on Fedora or Ubuntu Linux

First, download the appropriate version for your system (32 bit or 64 bit) from the Godot Download Page.

In my case, I found in my Download Folder the file named So open a Terminal window and digit:

cd ~/Downloads/


Godot - An opensource game engine for Ubuntu Linux

After, move the executable to /opt folder:

sudo mkdir /opt/Godot/

sudo mv Godot_v2.1-stable_x11.64 /opt/Godot/Godot

sudo chmod +x /opt/Godot/Godot

Then, create and edit a launcher for Godot executable:

cd ~/.local/share/applications/

nano godot.desktop

Populate the .desktop file, writing this in nano, saving with CTRL-O and exiting with CTRL-X:

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Create different games
Categories=Development; Games;
GenericName[en_US]=Game development platform
Comment[en_US]=Create different games!

And now you can lauch Godot from your desktop system. If you want to customize the icon, just put the Godot icon in your theme and name it godot. Also, if you like the Godot icon in the images above, you can find it in the AmbianceDF Repository.

That’s all. Enjoy it!