i3 and Linux. Hello again!

For jobs to be completed always and surely, a distro like Fedora or Ubuntu, a graphical environment like GNOME or Xfce, and so on.

For everything else, Linux is experimentation, fun. Here then we like to give us to the distro-hopping, to try every possible graphic environment, to test every feasible change. In two words, maximum customization and pure pleasure.

If then, we want to get to the top – those who follow this site already know – the i3 windows manager is a godsend. A simple and, at the same time, advanced tilling manager. Fully customizable – you can push it to your own image and likeness – and supported by a vast and competent community.

i3wm - The fast windows manager on board
i3wm – The fast windows manager on board

Is your nerdy side coming out? Well – here you are – then, three articles to throw you back into the fray and to squeeze your machine with Linux and i3.

If you’re not familiar with i3 or tiling window managers in general, there are a lot of videos out there. But the general idea is that, when you open a new window, the window manager both places and sizes it to optimize the space on your screen. So one window will occupy the full screen, two will be split evenly, and so on.

Hello Again, Linux by Richard Mavis | Linux Journal

Here are notes I wrote down for setting up a minimal Ubuntu installation on a laptop, with i3 as the tiling window manager.

Minimal Ubuntu and i3 Setup by Eric Ren | ericren.me

i3 has been my window manager of choice for a while and I really enjoy its simplicity and ease of use. I use plenty of gtk applications, such as Firefox and Evolution, and configuring them within i3 can be confusing. This post covers a few methods to change configurations for GNOME and gtk applications from i3.

Customize GNOME from i3 by Major Hayden | major.io

Bonus resources:

i3 improved tilling window manager | i3wm.org

Automatic floating windows in i3 | major.io