How to use Google Calendar with Thunderbird

Mozilla’s Thunderbird can also handle your calendars

Gnome environment has a lot of built-in widget and one of the most useful is gnome-calendar. It shows you all about your calendars, but a more useful way to handle them it’s to delegate to Thunderbird.

Mozilla’s Thunderbird is an incredible flexible email client and, by adding several add-ons it could be also do a lot of more things. I use Thunderbird for email, for newsgroup, and I also use it for calendar appointments using a add-on called Lightning Calendar. Lightning is a wonderful standard add-on, but it’s not able to sync with phones and web.

Mozilla ThunderbirdFree download here

Lightning Calendar organizes your schedule and life’s important events in a calendar that’s fully integrated with your Thunderbird or Seamonkey email. Manage multiple calendars, create your daily to do list, invite friends to events, and subscribe to public calendars. So, Lightning Calendar is amazing but faults to handle online calendars, especially Google Calendar.

Lightning CalendarFree download here

Google Calendar on Linux

Google Calendar on Thunderbird and Gnome

Best solution is to find a way to sync calendars across Thunderbird, Lighting and, in my case, Google. I mean Google, but it’s true also for every other web calendar services.
The solution is simple and on the way, it’s called Provider for Google Calendar and you just simple install it through the add-on system.

Provider for Google CalendarFree download here

Once Thunderbird has restarted, go to the calendar view and then create a New Calendar through a right-click on the calendars tab on the left-side. At the prompt, select On the Network and click Next. In the box, select Google Calendar and type your Gmail address. Click Next to finish off setting up. You may receive a prompt to log in with your Google account and you must insert your password and, I hope, the 2-STEP authentication.

That’s it. Your Google Calendar will automatically synchronise with Thunderbird and with Gnome Calendar. Finally, you can create and edit all the events in the Thunderbird calendar view.

That’s all. Enjoy it!