How to install RabbitVCS on Fedora systems

Install RabbitVCS on Fedora is easy and provides a collection of graphical tools providing simple and straightforward access to version control systems from interfaces you already use. RabbitVCS offers Subversion and Git integration from Finder, Nautilus and Thunar file managers, and the Gedit text editor. It is free/libre/open-source software written in Python using the PyGObject library and it’s inspired by TortoiseSVN.


RabbitVCS. A collection of graphical tools providing simple access to version control systems

If you know TortoiseSVN, the popular extension for Windows File Explorer that works with Subversion repositories, you will be fine with RabbitVCS, because the closest alternative to TortoiseSVN in Linux is RabbitVCS. It is a graphical front-end for version control systems available on Linux and it integrates into file managers to provide file context menu access to version control repositories.

Some time ago, was not simple to install RabbitVCS on Fedora systems, but now the things are different. You can install directly from Fedora’s repositories, from the distributed tarball, or directly from the GitHub repository.  If you install from Fedora’s repositories, you’ll grab the 64bit packages now. And this is amazing, everything working out of the box with one simple CLI command.

From Fedora repository, simply type the following in the terminal:

$ sudo dnf install rabbitvcs*

From the Tarball, first, make sure you have installed all dependencies:

$ sudo dnf install nautilus-python pysvn python-simplejson python-configobj python-devel dbus-python python-dulwich subversion meld

Then download the tarball from GitHub and from the top folder type:

$ sudo python install

Once that is done working, look in the client’s folder and read the README file for each client/plugin to learn how they are installed.

From GitHub repository, install dependencies like above, check the complete instructions for developers here and finally clone the repository:

$ git clone

And enjoy your simple, medium or developer installation of RabbitVCS on your Fedora system!