Getting some issues install Jekyll on Fedora
Last days I made a fresh new installation of Fedora (exactly a F24 Beta release) on a netbook and I was really satisfied with it. Just some tweaks and the small tiny pc working like a charm.
I got some issues, really small things, and the most ** one is a Jekyll error. Trying to install Jekyll on the new machine, I got this error:
ERROR: Error installing jekyll:
ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
Something is missing and nothing more
I didn’t remember what I had done on my first Jekyll installation on a Fedora system, so I investigated it one more time. I found that some components are missing, so I solved all thank to these commands in a terminal window:
sudo dnf install ruby-devel rubygems-devel
In case, maybe you need also to install make command:
sudo dnf install make
After all, only this to install Jekyll:
sudo gem install jekyll
Bye, bye!