Elements of style in writing at the time of computing

The basis of the elements of style in writing is fundamental for writing adequately both in print and on the new opportunities offered by the Internet. Blogs, portals, social networks are all based on a form of writing, multimedia writing enriched by various forms of other content, but still writing.

The writing of the stories is based on the tropes: a trope, in linguistics, it is a semantic figure whereby an expression from its original content is ‘directed’ or ‘deviated’ to cover another content. Tropes are some of the fundamental units of writing and are often classified in the form of figures such as metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, and others.

Here, among the elements of style in writing, the in-depth knowledge of peculiarities such as the tropes or as the fundamental pieces for writing a good story, become fundamental to give a tone to our writing style and to better characterize what we are going to produce.

Elements of style in writing at the time of computing
Elements of style in writing at the time of computing

Stories and elements of style in writing. A guide to write better

For almost one hundred years, The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr. was, in the United States, an extraordinary publishing phenomenon. An educational book that has trained all American generations since 1918 to date, selling millions of copies. But what does the secret of its success consist of?

Perhaps the fundamental point is that the book not only says what you should know about writing, but above all it says nothing more. Because only the essentials are distilled inside. From syntactic rules to the analysis of punctuation marks, their functions and all possible uses; from the compositional norms to the questions of form to the improper use of linguistic expressions, up to a deepening on the style and its effects. And this in very few, essential pages. Because everything else is talent and application.

The Elements of Style in writing is certainly a very useful book, able to clarify doubts and uncertainties. Full of practical examples from important texts, written in colloquial language and with a decidedly non-academic narrative attitude, it guides the reader in the activity of writing texts of various kinds. From the thesis to the novel, a handbook not to run into mistakes, to write clearly and concisely, to understand clearly even when a word, phrase, or paragraph is not necessary at all. Ultimately, it is a small manual, full of interesting ideas and fundamental rules to follow to improve your writing style. Nothing more, but exactly what is expected.

Personally, we consider it a very useful tool, a vademecum to always keep within reach of consultation.

Here some suggestion for a good read:

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