Connect monero-wallet-cli to a remote node

Using Monero wallet, the main issue for new users is the waiting time to download completely the blockchain. It can take a very long long time and it depends also on your Internet connection, on servers status and due to the fact that the blockchain is growing fast every day more and more.


Use a remote node to avoid the size of the Monero blockchain

Another big issue is that the Monero blockchain occupies a lot of GigaByte on your hard disk, actually, now the size of the Monero blockchain is around 30GB. You can find out the current size of it on

One of the easiest methods would be to use a node run by moneroworld, but they have a tool for finding random nodes too. You can check all on the moneroworld website.

If you use the GUI wallet, you can follow the procedure on the official Monero website, so visit  ‘How to use a remote node in the GUI wallet’ and have fun. On the other way, if you use the monero-wallet-cli like me, you need something different.

monero-wallet-cli supports many command line arguments, just use –help option to learn more about them.  The daemon-address option allows you to specify the host and port to use instead of the defaults. The argument value takes the form host:port. Here the reference on

So if you wanted to run monero-wallet-cli using a remote node being hosted by, you need to launch the cli wallet with the following argument:

$ ./monero-wallet-cli --daemon-address